Puppet Show

We have Beverly and Greg here with us for two weeks. They have been a huge blessing on the compound. Saturday night they showed “Jesus of Nazareth” to the pastors. We transformed their class room into a movie theater. We covered the windows with blankets and set up the projector. The pastors really enjoyed the movie. It’s six and a half hours long. They only got through four hours so they will finish the movie next Saturday. Beverly said they were really cute watching the movie. When certain things would happen (like Jesus’ birth) they cheered.

On Sunday, Greg preached at our church while Beverly taught Sunday School. They both are gifted in teaching and are passionate about the Word. Beverly taught about Joshua and the walls of Jericho. She set up a town and the kids walked around it seven times with the trumpets they made. We could hear their trumpets from the church. At the end of Sunday School, there was a puppet show. Beverly taught two of the students in the pastors school how to use the puppets. It was fun to see them perform the skit and see the kids’ reaction.