We are so happy to report that we have had a fantastic first 2 weeks of the second 8 week term of the IDAT Discipleship Training Center. The pastors who returned came back with a zeal in their hearts to learn the Word of God. We started teaching Old Testament Survey this term and being they do not have the Old Testament in their Dinka language we thought that it might be a real challenge. However, we are realizing that God is giving them a spirit of wisdom and revelation in the knowledge of Him. As we finished the study of Genesis on Friday, we looked into the Book of Galatians and related those scriptures to the Genesis ones we just studied so they would understand the “symbolic two covenants” (Galatians 3) and who the SEED was referring to in the Abrahamic Covenant where God promised him that through his SEED all nations would be blessed (Galatians 4). We literally saw the eyes of their understanding being enlightened. By Joe and Nancy Losee